
Amanda Murrell Associates have developed a number of specialist packages for delivery outside of the UK, and is actively engaging with the UKTI and other countries to promote these offerings. To find out more please contact us today.


May 2015

Published Article in Teach UAE Magazine

May-June 2015 Issue 5 Volume 2

Amanda’s most recent article on Preparing Future Generations for Work has been published in the Teach UAE magazine. It is written in response to an article on the challenges the UAE find in ensuring the younger generation have the softer skills that support academic qualifications; a problem not dissimilar to that found in the UK. The full article can be foundhere.

March 2015

Australia was our Land of Opportunity

The jet lag has now subsided and we have had a few days to reflect on our recent business exploration to Australia. As a small business offering training, mentoring and coaching programmes to different groups and individuals, we are amongst a smaller number of businesses where exporting is higher on our expansion plans than growth within the UK and Australia is the latest place we have been researching.

Today the Chamber of Commerce has announced that UK exporting has slowed down and, as a small business that has been working on an export programme for the past 18 months, I can see why some businesses find it too challenging a task to take on.  Cost and resource are two major barriers we have experienced and that is before we even begin trading and face the challenges of volatile exchange rates and cultural adaption.

We have been on the UKTI Passport to Export programme for the past 12 months, which has helped with establishing routes to market and potential areas for business. However, the majority of the work is down to you, and when it comes to making arrangements for meetings on the other side of the world, it was quite a task that we had to undertake.


During the fortnight in Australia we met with a range of businesses, visited a couple of events held by the local Chamber of Commerce, was special guest at a Business Women’s networking group, shared our Clarity4D profiling with a number of companies, and even managed to enjoy the local area of Townsville with a spot of camping and fishing!

And since returning we have continued our discussions with a number of contacts made and the likelihood of creating new partnerships and building some form of business feels very positive.  However, we will still need to devote money and resource into the project for quite some time until any financial gain is achieved; this alone may be the very reason why exporting is not high on the agenda of so many small businesses.

January 2015

Amanda Murrell Associates will be in Townsville, Australia this February/March!

We are very excited to be planning our trip to Australia, which is happening in less than a month!

This trip is an opportunity to work with local businesses to help them and their staff using our Clarity4d training and Reach your Potential programme. We are also in the process of finalising a specific programme to be used with teenagers to help them in their transition from school to employment. We will be working with the both the Australian government and the Australian probation service.

Most recently in the news the importance of ‘soft skills’ such as communication, time management, inter-personal skills has been recognised – many employers valuing these over academic qualifications.

Neil Carberry, the CBI’s director for employment and skills, said: “Business is clear that developing the right attitudes and attributes in people – such as resilience, respect, enthusiasm and creativity – is just as important as academic or technical skills.”

With our expertise we offer a range of training programs, which can be tailored to the client’s requirements. Helping you to empower your workforce and increase productivity.

We will be meeting with a number of local government and business providers in the area and welcome any introductions in advance of our trip.

March 2014

Sneak peak at our GESS conference offers!

With 2 weeks to go to the launch of the GESS conference at the World Trade Centre in Dubai, Amanda Murrell Associates would like to share with you some of our fantastic show-only offers. If you would like to find out more in advance of 4th March please contact us today!

flyer 2

March 2014

We now offer Clarity4D!

Amanda Murrell and associates have just completed their training in Clarity4D and can now offer individual corporate profiles and Clarity Team Development Workshops. Clarity4D profiling is unique to the person and designed to be simple, affordable, global and effective in reducing risk to your business. It works by following the concept that there are 4 dimensions to us as people; and the analysis, supported by the workshops, will provide your business with a tool for developing strategies for communication and ongoing self development. If you would like to find out more about how Clarity4D can be invaluable to your business please contact me. Please check out my Clarity4D profile page too!

February 2014

UAE – an Education & Training Trade Mission to Qatar, Oman & Abu Dhabi – December 2013

Amanda Murrell was pleased to be able to participate in this trade mission and she had the opportunity to profile our expertise and services to key-decision makers in-market and discuss business opportunities in one-to-one meetings with potential agents, distributors and customers.

The mission programme was intense and gave us the opportunity to profile our expertise and our specially designed packages to numerous industries, call upon local ministries and agencies involved in the sector and have individual one-to-one meetings with potential agents, distributors and customers.

We were able to hear from government and education representatives from key organisations and engage in discussion about the key issues and opportunities in the region.

More details on this mission will follow in our blog but in the interim have a look at some of the photos below!


February 2014

GESS – Dubai March 2014

Amanda Murrell is pleased to announce that she will be exhibiting at the GESS exhibition next March!

Gulf Educational Supplies and Solutions (GESS) will be back with its seventh edition in 2014 at the prestigious Dubai World Trade Centre. The exhibition is focused on bringing international suppliers to the region to meet senior education sector decision-makers and buyers to explore new B2B opportunities.

GESS is the only exhibition covering the entire educational solutions spectrum in the Gulf region. With over 300 exhibitors and around 6,000 education professionals from countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, Iran, India, China, Egypt, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and many more.

Please do come and see us at stand C23.

January 2014

Realise Your Potential – new for 2014
Amanda Murrell Associates (AMA) Ltd has recognised that there is a need to offer specialist support to different groups of people to enable them to meet the challenges they face and to become the best that they can be. “Realising your Potential” is a programme designed to increase self-esteem and confidence and to help in the transition between where they are now and where they want to be.pic1

“Realising your potential” can be tailored to any group of people and, through relevant training and practical experience, aims to empower individuals to be able to make strong choices and positively impact on their futures. Find out more here.