Sir Mo Farah and Usain Bolt are two of the most well-loved athletes in 2017. They have reached the tops of their career ladders decorated in gold. The retirement leap from the top of this ladder is therefore unsurprisingly daunting, and with both Mo and Usain being under the age of 35 when they hung up their spikes on their primary career, it’s not difficult to see why they are looking to find new future challenges. For his next races, Mo has reportedly set his sights on the slightly longer distance of 26.2 miles. Even if marathons aren’t your idea of fun, finding a new challenge isn’t only important for celebrity athletes.
When approaching retirement, we often only focus on the possibilities of our new-found freedom and don’t stop to consider the benefits our work gives us. Our work does not only provide stimulation and purpose but also routine and a social network. The change in leaving this behind can be a significant and difficult one.
The goal is to replace these positives with those from a new source. It is time to think about what it is that gives you satisfaction. What dreams are on your bucket list that are yet to be crossed off? What environments do you enjoy being in?
It is important to transfer the focus and determination that went into your career towards something new. It could be setting up a new company, charity work or spending more time with family. However, new opportunities can seem overwhelming, especially when they require resources such as time and money.
A coach will not only help to celebrate what you have already achieved, but will also provide a structured approach to continue your achievements. As your coach, we will empower you to decide which opportunities are best for your personal development. Our fresh view-point can make you more knowledgeable about how to manage your time and to concentrate on what you are passionate about.
If you are deciding on your next race to run, marathon or otherwise, we will support you to get the most out of your career end. Please contact us today to find out more.