
  • Are your Customer Service Skills less than excellent?

      Are your Customer Service Skills less than excellent? Being lucky enough to work with a wide range of businesses, it is interesting to see the emphasis placed on staff training. Now I know I have blogged before about making sure that you invest in your staff otherwise they may leave, or worse still they […]

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    Do you use Personality Profiling to unlock your team’s potential?

    There are multiple types of personality profiles available on the market for businesses to use but many teams and employers haven’t invested in any type of profiling for their teams. It can be confusing – do you look at temperaments, colours, types, functions, senses, discs…. the list is pretty long and it is difficult to […]

  • When training can save £billions

    Training is crucial for companies large and small. It has the potential to save money and increase profits. A training budget is one some businesses are fearful of having; fearful of how to train, who to train and what happens after they have trained. But it is a false belief – Training empowers and can […]

  • Don’t forget to take precautions!

    This isn’t about sex (sorry to disappoint!) but about business. Much of what we do each day we take for granted; we open our laptop and assume that the internet will be working and our emails and files will be there ready for us to start work. Most days we don’t plan for any sort […]

  • Set Yourself a Challenge

    As a coach, I am always going to advocate the benefits of having a coach or a mentor to guide you through your life and to help you to maximise opportunity and achieve greater success. If you have ever had a coach you will know that their job is not to tell you what to […]

  • Have you lost your passion?

    The definition of passion – intense emotion compelling action. When we say the word passion it instantly creates an image and a feeling. As entrepreneurs and visionaries it’s a word that should feature highly in many aspects of our lives. When we understand what our passions really are it helps us to work towards our goals and what we really want to achieve, […]

  • Like Mother, like Daughter?

    Does the entrepreneurial spirit in you rub off on your family? According to a team of researchers at the University of Warwick1, women whose mothers were self-employed are up to 2.69 times more likely than other women to be self-employed themselves, as opposed to being employees or homemakers, but there’s no such effect on women of […]

  • Let Me Introduce You To Michele Flynn…..

    I would like to introduce  Michele Flynn to my team of associates that will be leading on Clarity 4D. Michele is a dynamic professional who, over the past 24 years, has developed a career specialising in work with young people, children and families across the education and voluntary sectors.    She holds a First Class BA […]